"Oh gawd, I hate seeing that stuff."
"Oh! Me too."
"I usually turn the channel as fast as I can."
"I can watch people getting hurt but when it comes to animals..."
The man next to her says, "They showed this water buffalo being brought down by tigers. Once they had it down, one held onto its head while the others ate it and it was still alive."
She and I sat there quietly looking at this imbecile who obviously had no idea we were already in pain from the scenes on the tv.
He finished off , "The animal kingdom is way more brutal on itself than humans ever could be."
Today, as I rounded the curve from north I-540 toward the NWA Mall, I had slowed to about 45 m.p.h. Off the right shoulder a hawk flew and seemed to hang right in front of my windshield. The moment stopped as he held his prize in front of me for me to see. In his claws was a plump field mouse, tail twitching quickly - then he flew away. Usually I can save the lives of mice and chipmunks, even snakes from my cats' death grip - but there was no way I could save this field mouse. I imagined, for a second, what was next for the little critter.
Then I realized - the man is right. The animal kingdom IS more brutal on itself than humans ever could be.
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