Monday, May 4, 2009

Drafting process

When i sit down to write I always have 3 things.  My computer, my solitude, and my Ipod.  I always go to a spot in the library where i can sit alone because i think better when I'm not distracted by other people.  It really helps because if I'm around other people i'll become easily distracted and start talking.  I need my computer because my mind moves to fast to use a pen and paper.  I usually spend about 30 minutes just listening to music and brainstorming ideas that I could write about.  This is usually the hardest part for me, just getting going.  Some people find the music a distraction but I can get lost in it and just let my mind wander for a while.  This helps me a lot to relax and just let the ideas come naturally to me and not force a topic.  I'm usually listening to Third Eye Blind with some occasional Incubus.  Those are the perfect bands to write too because there not too soft to put you to sleep and there not to loud to mess up your train of thought.  Once i get an idea, i just start typing on my computer.  I usually just let it flow and don't stop to really think about it until I'm done.  Originally I'm just trying to get all my thoughts onto the page and this is why i can't use a pen and paper.  If I don't have my Ipod i usually get more distracted by how quite it is or by little sounds like people whispering, papers rustling, etc.  If i have to use a pen and paper I usually get a hand cramp from writing too fast and my brain is usually moving to fast for my hands to keep up.  When I sit around other people I can still get my work done I just need to plan on adding about an extra hour or two for the time spent being distracted or talking.  Overall as long as I have my three things, i can write all day.

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