Friday, May 8, 2009

How to Survive Finals

Week Before Exam

It is important to procrastinate for a couple of days before exams. Enjoy these free days by going out and having fun so when you are freaking out the night before you can take a breath and say to yourself “Man that party was awesome! It was so worth it.”

Stock up on Caffeine
You are going to need the extra boost of an energy drink to get you through you all nighters.

The Night Before the Exam

Find a good study area
Pick some place quiet where there are no distractions.

When you are cramming it is crucial to stay on task. Try not to get distracted with facebook or texting.

Take mental breaks
When you feel like your brain is getting to over whelmed, take a mental break. Try watching an episode of your favorite television show or snacking.

You need a little sleep.

Hour Before the Exam

Top of mind recall is really helpful for acing a test. Scan over your study material and text.

Find a ride
Find a buddy to give you a ride to class so you can review on the way and so you won’t be late.

After the Exam

Don’t Worry
There is nothing you can do about it now so stop freaking out. Say a prayer and forget about it.

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