Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Journey

The Journey
I met this guy who was short and stumpy. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. I was a freshman and he was my first serious boyfriend. We said we loved one another and thought we would be together forever. That ended badly. The cussing and the stalking finally ended, not to worry.
I was a sophomore and found a nice guy who liked agriculture. I got sick one day and he brought me some chicken noodle soup and that was the end of that. Also as a sophomore I met another guy, probably wondering how many I had through school, he liked to coon hunt (raccoon), I like the outdoorsy type. That lasted a short time; I think he liked his blue tick hound more than he did me.
My junior year I met this new guy that was very sweet, but a little too sweet. He also wore skater shoes and liked to play the guitar, let’s just say we didn’t have much in common. He also acted like girls were incapable of doing anything by their selves. I thought it was sweet at first then it became quite annoying, like a screaming kid. This guy was gone as fast as a crappy skate board.
The end of my junior year I met this tall, skinny, dark haired boy with blue eyes that could convince anyone of anything. He was a baseball player and that made my heart stop. Dreamy I know, but this one, I don’t know intrigued me. We became the best of friends and started dating; we have laughed and cried together. That’s right girls guys do cry sometimes.
It has been five years since I met the baseball player, but till this day, he is the love of my life and my best friend. I guess that I learned from experience there are lots of fish in the sea but, I wanted my Bugs (Nathan), not just any old fish. Who would have thought from the beginning I would have had a guy this long, I thought I was becoming the girl who knew how to lose a guy in ten days. So girls there is hope, I promise!

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