Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Unusual Pair

He could not have been further from my type.  Tight spandex running pants with the sunglasses strung around the neck to gear up for a ten mile run- not exactly what I looked for when I scouted out my potential mate.  I wasn't being close-minded on the situation.  I simply knew what worked for me, and honestly he just would not do the trick.  

Backing up, it all began when I was in need of a new housing arrangement.  Craig's List, being the "it" way to find things-furniture, clothes, pets, and even potential roommates- became my way to finding my new home.  After settling in to my new place and growing accustomed to the new roommates, one of them eventually moved out and her ex-boyfriend moved in.  

One weekend I was studying in my room when my one roommate let me know that his one friend would be coming to visit, and that I should meet him!  He described his friend Brian as the athletic-type, a runner, healthy, in to fitness.  To me- a complete turnoff.  "Megan, come on!"  He pestered continuously.  "No, really, thanks," was my simple yet certain response.  It wasn't until I encountered Brian on our couch downstairs that we hit it off.  Our conversations held meaning and depth, and our relationship progressed.

An awkward beginning with a fairy-tale ending.  The man who seemed to hold no potential for me was exactly the opposite.  Cliche as it sounds, he became the man of dreams and the love of my life.  I'm not sure who Craig is, but I sure am thankful for his list.     

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