Friday, April 3, 2009

"4 Eyes"

These items cause you to be called " four eyes," "nerd," "geek," and maybe even "goggle eyes." People tell you that you look " cute" in them but you know the difference. How can you possibly look "cute" in something that covers half your face? Pretty sure that these new additions to my face don't help my appearance at all.
I was eight years old when I had to go to the eye doctor and he told my mother I had "some vision issues." Yeah, I had some issues alright. I got a pair of eye glasses. They were absolutely enormous. They covered from my eye brows to the middle of my cheeks. I tried to pick out some I thought were nice. Osh Kosh B'Gosh brand, they looked like denim jeans. When I smiled things got pretty difficult. The glasses were right where my big round chicks would push them up. I was so embarrassed to go through the rest of my life with these vision problems.
The first vision aid was used in 1000 AD and called a reading stone. It was a large piece of crystal that was smoothed and they would place it over the words to enlarge them, so they could be read. The lens was a major invention that allowed people to see things they had never seen before.
The first pair of wearable eye glasses was made in 1284 in Italy. It is said that the Chinese used glasses some 2000 years ago, but mainly for protection during battle. Pope Leo X wore concave lenses while hunting and it enabled him to see the game better than before. Currently, 168.5 million U.S. residents use vision correction such as eye glasses or contact lenses. These days eye glasses are seen as more of a fashion accessory than an absolute need.
I didn't see glasses as being a "fashion accessory" at eight years old. I saw them as the demise to my ability to be cool. I would never be " the popular kid" because now I was the "geek." My reputation was saved when a few of my friends returned to school with glasses as well. Over the years more and more of my friends wore glasses, and we formed this wonderful bond. All of us were together as the "vision challenged" children.
Things have changed now, I moved from glasses to contact lenses, and these days I have no lenses of any kind. I had LASIK surgery in August of 2008 and LOVE IT! Being able to wake up in the morning and actually see the alarm clock after years of blurry vision is something I can't really explain. Being "lens free" allows you so much freedom. People who are dependent on glasses or contacts can relate!

So, if anyone is thinking about eye surgery, DO IT! You may think it is a lot of $, but it is the best investment you will EVER make!!