Sunday, March 8, 2009

Your A Dick! I mean Really!!

Michael Phelps shocked the world when he won 8 gold medals in the 2008 Olympics than shocked the world again when pictures were leaked of him smoking pot.  Give him a break people!  If the guy who is probably one of the greatest athletes of all time wants to have a little fun and take a bong hit every once in awhile let him.  He is only 23, and probably never really got a chance to go crazy since he as been, oh I don't know, winning more gold medals than anyone in history!  Almost every college student, or person around his age, has made a stupid mistake but only a hand full of them have had to do it in front of the whole world.  I am not condoning him smoking pot but I am not crucifying him either. And the guys who took the picture have officially marked themselves for the rest of their lives as the jerks who tired to ruin Michael Phelps' reputation.  They had the choice of sitting back and hanging out with Michael Phelps, possibly make friends with a national hero, but instead they decided to be a jerk.  Well I am sure they were having a good laugh until they had the police on their front porch ready to raid their house.  I think Seth Rogan from SNL put it best, "Your a dick! I mean Really!"


  1. I liked the humor used throughout the piece to voice your opinion on the issue. Also, the title was honestly the reason I was first drawn to your story-creative.

  2. Yeah I agree the title is definitly what drew me to read your piece. I like that you can really hear your passion in your voice. The ending is cool too. How you tie in exactly how you feel with your source.
