Thursday, February 26, 2009

Some People Just Annoy Me....

People that are self-centered really annoy me. I absolutely cannot stand it when people act like they are the most important thing on the planet. They say girls the worst. You know the stories where two girls meet and they are so nice to each other's faces and then they turn around and say something mean behind the other's back? Even though girls can be "catty," guys are guilty too!
I was on a co ed team here at the University and the guys acted more like backstabbing women than I did. They were constantly bickering amongst themselves. Arguments they had were just evidence of how shallow they really were. The hot girl dumped dumped them, but only because he was about to dump her. "I didn't get that scholarship because I really didn't need it." These are things they always said. They thought they were such a "big deal!"
Whenever we went on a trip they think their stories are more important than anyone elses, and they let you know it. They would curse in my face when things didn't go their way. Then they would laugh at the shocked look on my face like what they had just said was average every day speech, and it was, for them.
I was raised with the idea you didn't ever curse, especially anywhere near women. My shock when these boys decide to curse at me was something I was not sure to handle.
So I find it annoying, I find it annoying when people think they are more important than anyone else. I get real irritated at people being disrespectful, and I just can't handle those "cocky" guys who think they are God's gift to the female population.

Whew...I'm done.

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