Sunday, February 15, 2009

Irritating People

One of my biggest pet peeves is dealing with lazy people.  I become extremely annoyed when I have to be around someone that is content with leading a completely unproductive life with the satisfaction of doing nothing.  He or she will think of any possible way to get out of taking on the responsibilites they have been handed in life.  Typical of this type of person is to place their responsibility onto another person without considering if their friend has the time to pick up another task.  The only concern of this relaxed individual is to get out of doing his or her work.  Some people tend to become hypochondriacs when laziness takes over their lives and this bothers me the most.  I loathe when people claim migraines, stomach flus, bronchitis, or whatever it may take to be freed from their unappealing duties.  I once had someone call me to work for them because they had a migraine, but insisted on laying in the tanning bed before going home.  I believe the bright lights and intense buzzing sound would make any migraine extensively worse.  This trait in a person seems to go hand-in-hand with another characteristic that gets under my skin, which is selfishness.
Another pet peeve of mine is when people only consider their own thoughts and feelings with disregard to anyone elses.  They will break promises if the deal no longer holds their immediate interest.  Selfish people will take from the deserving to get a step ahead.  They usually try to figure out the easy way to move forward in life, even if it is at the expense of others.
To sum it up, I am annoyed with the person that calls in sick at work to go to a party or have dinner with her boyfriend instead.  I am annoyed with the person that says meet me at twelve and cancels at eleven forty-five for no feasible reason.  I am annoyed with the person that takes so freely but never offers a hand.  Ultimately, I am tired of how society has promoted these characteristics and labeled them as "taking time for you" or learning to "love oneself".  The reality of this message is to put one's self before others, which is not a lesson to be taught.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree! This gets on my nerves so much too. I think if you make a commitment, you should stick to it, and personal stuff comes second.
